Everything about PS 5

Hello & Welcome to HUC world Channel we wanna tell you that Playstation 5 had released!.Fans of Games should read till the end because we will talk about gaming a lot.Today we will be talking about Playstation 5 that had just released showing off design yesterday in their online live events. So it official guys. They shown off the console design at first they only shown us the new Dual sense joystick It look so cool. hyped up all the Playstation fans around the world Their design looks so futuristic with white color It also got new cool functions The vibrate function that have a different level of vibration The vibration can differ by the texture of the ground when we drive the car in the game The ps4 joystick would not have this much vibration level of vibrates compare to the dual sense

     Today will will focus more on the console that had been officially released.When we saw the design we were so blown away The past years Playstation mainly focus in the black color design but in ps5 they changed it to white with futuristic + minimalistic looks the design of console was designed to match the Dualsense joystick it's so damn minimalistic it got its curve edges and blue LED light in the middle it look so epic and cool they came with USB port in front as usual they didn't reveal much of the back but there're still some fans on internet teased about the design They thought the design reminded them of Wifi router They been many jokes about this also there're hardcore fans of Playstation who rendered a 3D model of their imaginative future released console This is their thought on how final design should look like there were many imaginative design that looks amazingly cool some of the fans made design look so professional Their designs got us thinking that they could have work in Playstation's design department It was so cool That was the hype before the official released yesterday the interesting thing is that they realeased 2 version at the same time One came with Bluray Ultra HD disc player it for people who love playing game with disc or watch movie the other one is digital version looking more slim and they do not have the disc port it's for people who only want to play game with digital download But we'd prefer to get the disc version because we don't have that super fast internet speed yet we'm a type of person who likes to collect the game disc that we like and we can sell the disc later as a second hand in the 2nd hang games market as well we don't want to keep the game that we don't really like, it will make room messy So our opinion we would go with the disc version they haven't reveal the price yet In our opinion it should not be big different for both version we think the digital version would cost about 500USD the disc version would cost about 640USD.

Let’s tell you briefly about the console specification we really mean briefly the Hard disk they use is Ultra high-speed SSD if you play GTAV you could have experienced the long loading time when you just start to install the disc infomation like a hour This SSD technology will help the loading speed it's so annoying to wait for loading for a long time right? Another technology that we like is "Ray Tracing" This tech will push the lighting shadow and the reflection in water to be more realistic for example like the relection of sun into the water surface and all of those lighting reflects it will make the game more realistic just like when we watch movie it also comes with 3D audio they haven't actually talk much about this tech but guess was that it should work well with their new ps5 headphone from our experienced taking sound engineering course we think they might make sounds be more coming from different direction or dimension you could be able to hear character yelling from behind as if you hear someone yell in real life sometimes you may think there is a real people actually yelling behind you until you take out headphone then realised that oh it's from the game that's it for 3d audio info another thing, Sony didn't tell us is that if all the ps4 games could run in ps5 or not in our opinion we think many games should be able to work with ps5 or else it's not worth it to buy ps5 if you have many ps4 games right? In that case it would not push the ps5 sales that much not only they had released the both console version They also shown the new ps5 accessories too; headphone, remote, charging dock the dock for charge joystick, also the new camera just like the old one that comes with VR bundle.

Now let's talk about the highlights games that were released at the live event there were many interesting games, favorite first it's "Spiderman Miles Morales" the interesting thing is that this spiderman focus on Miles the black spiderman it actually reminds of watchdog games, where it the first

game was a white man main character then the 2nd game the main character becomes the black guy they added more street hiphop style vibes it's so new and upgrade reminding of that Spiderman Into the Multiverse Animation. The graphic is superb we think it will be something more than the first spiderman because Miles can shoot out electric web and use that hallow man power, anxiously waiting for this game the most important thing is that it will launch the same time as the console release in this fall 2020 usually Playstion like to release their products during x-mas so people could buy it as a gift for their children.

Some other games which you need to get are like "Resident Evil8" and it will be called "Village" we can see a vibes of witches and witch crafts from the trailer we can see something that reminds of Van Helsing It remind of killing Vampire movie as well at the end of trailer we also see Chris from the previous game it was so surprising because we didn't expect Chris arrival, it's such a hype to the fans.

Another game that is so anxious is PRAGMATA the trailer didn't give us much as in the gameplay but graphic look so damn fine. Trailer also got us thinking a lot of how the gameplay will be or look like. This game reminds of "Dread Stranding" from Metal gear solid maker trailer got us confuse of what's going to happen...and then it just black out we'm looking forward to it. The sport games fans will be so happy because 2K21 is coming to ps5 we really enjoy playing basketball in real life. we really wanna try this game as well coming this fall 2020 we think it should arrive same time as console realese.

Alright guys so that is it on PS5 from hope it satisfied the gamers fans out there. whoever are into gaming can talk to us by leaving comments below. most of the people who loves gaming would be guy right? or even the girls who are into gaming can leave comment below as well which games do you like? Follow us, so that you can be updated whenever we post.